Emily Webb


Emily's greatest joy in life is in service and connection. 

         Her life has been a lattice with the threads of medical work, meditation, and spirituality weaving together in sacred ways.    

As our current healthcare model becomes more industrialized, more people are finding it difficult to afford good health insurance. Even with insurance, many services are not covered. Dr. Webb opted out of the insurance system so she can provide compassionate, personalized care to her patients. For some people, they do not want their medical records to be in the insurance system, and they choose to self pay. Dr. Webb sees patients of all income levels, whether they have insurance or not. 


Recent studies have proven that our physical health is tied to our mental health, which is also connected to our spiritual health. These aspects of ourselves are intrinsically connected, as one affects the others. Without understanding and embodying this awareness, we cannot live a joyful, fulfilled, and meaningful life.  


After she completed her Bachelor's degree from UCLA, Dr. Webb received her Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from New York College of Podiatric Medicine, Summa Cum Laude. Thereafter, she completed her surgical residency at Scripps Mercy in San Diego and Kaiser Permanente in Sacramento. She has been in practice in Fort Collins since 2000.  


Dr. Webb is Board Certified with American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. She also  served on the Colorado Podiatry Medical Board from 2008-2012 and 2016-2020.     


To make an appointment, please call (970) 460-6575.  


For more information: 


We normally function out of our survival fight-flight-freeze mode when we are under stress.  Without retraining our brain, when we are triggered, we would most likely react from a fear-based model rather than respond with clarity, compassion, and wisdom.  The fear-based model is our primitive way of thinking, mainly for survival purposes. If we remain in this mode of operation in our day-to-day life, no matter how much money we have accumulated, or how many achievements we have accomplished, we will never feel satisfied or enough. There is always the feeling that "something is still missing."  


In meditation, we come to know our Real Self - the part of us that does not die, the part that is connected to All. When we realize our true nature, life is simply a gift.